Bare Copper Wire | Bare Tin Coated Copper Wire | Braided Flexible Copper Wire – Round/Flat | Braided Flexible Tin Coated Copper Wire – Round/Flat | Tinsel Copper/Silver/Tin/Cadmium Wire | Earthing Copper/Tin/PVC Wire - CRT Assembly | Glass Wire | Stranded/Braided – Copper/Tin/Silver Wire – Connector/Jumpers | Laminated Flexible Copper/Tin/Silver - Connectors/Jumpers/Leads | Stranded Hi-Flexible Copper/Tin/Silver Wire Rope – Round | Aluminium Wire / Rod | Submersible Winding Wire | Braided Copper Flexible Wire Connectors/Jumpers/Leads | Braided Tin Coated Copper Flexible Wire Connectors/Jumpers/Leads | Bare Silver Plated Copper Wire | Bare Nickel Plated Copper Wire | Copper Pipes | Copper Sheets | Copper Strips | Copper Tape

Sep 7

Glass Copper Wires: A Major Trend that Supports Digital Era

Posted on Sep 7, 2018

Traditional bare copper wires have a wide range of application. For the sake of better appearance and ensuring corrosion against wear and tear, manufacturing of Glass Fibre covered copper wires have become a raging trend. The Glass fibre covered copper wires market is currently pegged at sales revenue close to USD 280 million by end […]

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