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Apr 3

Advantages Of Using Stranded Copper Wire

Posted on Apr 3, 2021

Copper wires exist in many forms. There is bare wire and braided copper wire and the very popular stranded copper wire. Each of these types have their own benefits and drawbacks. Therefore before purchasing any type of copper wire, determine which type would be the most suitable for your purpose. For example, stranded copper wires are best for applications requiring malleability and flexibility. As a result, you’ll see them most often in automobiles. You may even see  stranded copper wire in electronically controlled gates.



What are some advantages of using stranded copper wire?


When you purchase copper wire from a reputable retailer like Ganpati Wires, you can take benefit of low costs, ease of use and durability. For instance, the bare variety is thick and resilient and also the most affordable. It doesn’t get damaged easily and is used frequently in simple electronic gadgets that don’t feature mobility.
For any type of automobile or robotic application, you need the wire to conform to different shapes; which can be achieved by stranded copper wires. They can also be used in electronic appliances and circuit boards.

 Resistance to Corrosion

Solid wires are the most affordable type of copper wire. However the stranded wire is most likely to withstand environmental conditions such as frequent wire replacements and motion. Stranded wires are more flexible. Their design makes them less prone to wear and tear. This is why they’re best suited in applications where there are a lot of vibrations. They are best suited however for making computer mice and power cords.

 Easy Installation

Another key advantage of choosing the  stranded variety of copper wire is that they’re easy to install. They have multiple small strands which are twisted together so setting them up is faster.


Stranded wire is more budget friendly than wire cables.

Clearly there are many advantages to choosing Stranded Copper Wire. They can be easily used for residential and commercial purposes. Stranded copper wire is best suited for applications with lots of movement and vibration.

To shop for stranded copper wire, visit Ganpati Wires.

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